
TM One is lead by a dynamic leadership team with expertise in both technology and business.
Shazurawati Abd Karim
Shazurawati is the Executive Vice President (EVP) TM One. She has held various leadership capacities in the past 20 years, across multiple domains and portfolios within TM Group.
Meor Shahril Anuar Bin Ahmad Rathuan
Meor Shahril Anuar is the Vice President of State Business of TM One.
Zaleena Binti Abd Ghani
Zaleena is the General Manager, Business Governance & Contract Management of TM One.
Mohamed Faisal Bin Naina Mohamed
Faisal Naina, the Vice President of Government Sales in TM One overseeing the building of customer relationships for public sectors.
Megawati Bte Norhashim
Megawati is a Vice President of Enterprise Business of TM One
Mohd Zaidi Mohd Basir
Mohd Zaidi is the Vice President,
Business Technology of TM One
Shamsul Shaari
Shamsul leads Business Strategy & Marketing for the B2B segment, overseeing Enterprise and Government Sector domains.
Ismail Bin Hassan
Ismail leads the partnership division at Group Procurement.
Noorhanida Binti Suib
Hanida is leading Product & Innovation as the Vice President, overseeing the overall TM One’s product and solutions
Fatimah Mis
Fatimah is the Chief Financial Officer of TM One. She is also Director on the Board of VADS Berhad since 9 May 2019.
Marina Noordin
Marina plays a big part in driving the people agenda, leading a dedicated HR Business Partner team and driving the people transformation.

Shazurawati Abd Karim

Executive Vice President
TM One
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Mohamed Faisal Bin Naina Mohamed

Vice President
Government Sales
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Fatimah Mis

Vice President
Chief Financial Officer
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Noorhanida Binti Suib

Vice President
Products & Innovation
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Mohd Zaidi Mohd Basir

Vice President
Business Technology
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Meor Shahril Anuar Bin Ahmad Rathuan

Vice President
State Business
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Megawati Bte Norhashim

Vice President
Enterprise Business
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Shamsul Shaari

General Manager
Business Strategy & Marketing
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Zaleena Binti Abd Ghani

General Manager
Business Governance & Contract Management
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Ismail Bin Hassan

General Manager
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Marina Noordin

General Manager
Human Capital Business Driver (HCBD)
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